At our nest, located at 31 de Agosto Street, you'll find a wide array of top-quality products. Don't miss our selection of beverages, cheeses, preserves, Iberian cold cuts, oils, and sweets – among many other products. In addition, you can now enjoy the cooking of the Gandarias restaurant in your own home: discover our set meals and à la carte menu and we will prepare whatever you want to take away.
"We are committed to local, organic products"
From our conception, we have followed the same philosophy as the Gandarias restaurant. That commitment for local products has been taken to our shop's shelves and the dishes at Xibaritak, where organic products take centre stage.
The Space.
Welcome to Xibaritak Gandarias. Come in and discover the wide range of products that we have on offer for you.
We select the best suppliers. We are always committed to local, organic products.
We love to cooperate with other like-minded businesses, such as the Karabeleko Organic-Agro Garden, in Hernani.
We have a wide range of beverages with different designations of origin. Discover our wines, txakolis, ciders, and artisan beers.
We are proud to offer our customers, whether they are locals or visitors, the best of our gastronomy.
You'll find some of the world's best chocolates on our shelves, as well as many other sweets for those with a demanding sweet tooth.